Saturday, December 11, 2010


Onward I fight
To free my lady MacLean
She was captured
Stolen from me
My rage
Overcomes my sight
Turning the sky
Bloodshot red

Turning every drop of rain
Into a drop of blood
Turning the shadows
Into death
Turning every puddle
Into a pool of blood
Turning the enemy
Into a decapitated corpse
Leaving a trail of blood
In my wake
As I march my armies
Across Scotland
In the year 1509
To where she’s held captive
To the dungeon

Where she’s held prisoner

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

my mind

my mind is numb
slowly turning into nothing
spiraling into blackness
everything i see
is in shades of blue
blending with my mood

my world
hues of the color
i can't escape this feeling
this feeling of hopelessness
of loneliness and desolation